Monday, 26 June 2017

Benjamin Bunk gives a working paper on 'Experiences abroad - agency and political orientations through (structured) temporary stays abroad between youth and globalizations'

More and more different programs in Germany fund temporary Experiences abroad of youth and young adults: as year abroad during school, as student mobility in higher education, as worldwide voluntary service, as internship abroad or international social work for adolescents. But even thought there are some scientific discussions on the topic a profound study on it’s implications for political orientations is still missing – even though currently politicians stress the strong nexus of experiences abroad and being a global citizen in an European community. However, to which extend do ‘experiences abroad’ really foster a participatory attitude towards global transformation processes, the believe in democratic structures in a plural society or lead to individual acquaintance with complexity and resilience towards crisis? Do these programs prevent individuals from alienation towards the political, reinforce stereotypes, the retreat into private realms or the adherence to simplifying ideologies? Special emphasis of the planed project lies on questions towards formation processes, possibilities of Individuation between family and milieu and the scope to design relevant opportunity structures. This implies to intertwine person- and institution oriented perspectives and compare different practical fields of experiences abroad.

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