Julie Casteigt: “This workshop is the first stage of a specific research
project, which is to elaborate an archaeology of the concept of dynamic
unity. The specific topic of this workshop is the source of the idea of
dynamic unity, expressed in the formulation of the unity of „the Father
in the Son and the Son in the Father“ in the Gospel of John. The philosophical
interest in this question is to think of new patterns of unities
and associations in a historical perspective. In my speciality (medieval
philosophy), the representation of dynamic unity is derived from
a convergence between Greek-Arabic metaphysics and cosmology, on
the one hand, and the Gospel of John, on the other. In the Early Age, this
idea is also perceived as a convergence of Christian Kabbalah, Hermeticism
and the doctrine of the Trinity. The question, then, is whether
this interweaving of the various doctrinal traditions was already present
in the development of the idea of dynamic unity in the Gospel of
John. Has the author of the Gospel of John brought together debates in
Hebrew literature (Torah, intertestamentary literature, Philo of Alexandria...)
in the philosophical Greek currents (Neoplatonism, gnosis,
etc.) to create a new synthesis? Can this original interlacing explain
why the elaboration of the concept of dynamic unity is characterized
by the coincidence of several traditions?”
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