
A further function of the Max-Weber-Kolleg blog is notices of publications. This page provides authors with guidance on the preparation of such posts. Note the additional guidance for new publications that do not seem to have been noticed by the library acquisitions community.

Readers of the Max-Weber-Kolleg blog may review posts about publications via the publications category here. Users of feed reader software may care to subscribe to this publications feed. Scholars and librarians interested in identifying important works that have escaped the notice of the library community in their country will welcome this feed.

1. Publication notices should, as a rule, be confined to new or recent publications unless the item is not well represented in library collections or digital archives and can be had (in multiple copies) from a publishing firm or print-on-demand vendor.
2. Formatting of the bibliographic information is left to the individual author; any complete, standard and easy-to-understand arrangement of bibliographic elements is acceptable. Bibliographic data copied and pasted from an online catalog system is acceptable, provided the terms of use associated with the originating resource are observed. For a book, a complete record includes: author(s), full title, place of publication, date(s) of publication, publisher, ISBN or other standard numbers (if available), OCLC number (if available) and any special notes concerning availability or purchase (especially of privately printed or irregularly distributed items).
3. When an accurate record for a work appears in Open Worldcat, the Max-Weber-Kolleg blog citation should include a link to the relevant record, either via the ISBN or the OCLC number. These links should always use the format or
4. Authors of bibliographic posts should always check the availability of the item cited (via WorldCat or another appropriate mechanism). If the work is cataloged in less than 5 libraries in North America or in Europe — and if the publication has been available for a sufficient period to have been acquired and cataloged (1-2 years) — this fact should be noted in prose in the post.

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