Thursday, 24 August 2017

Publication of the Japanese translation of "Hegel, Institutions and Economics: Performing the Social" by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath and Ivan Boldyrev.

Under the title the 'The Hegelian Turn in Modern Economics', the Japanese translation has just been published by the well-known NTT Publisher. On July 28th in Kyoto a Symposion will be held in honor of the book, to which Professor Carsten Herrmann-Pillath was personally invited. He is a Fellow for Economics at the Max Weber College for Cultural and Social Science Studies at the University of Erfurt.

The book deals with the theoretical foundations of modern economics, especially Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics, and their consequences for economic-ethics and economic-policy issues.

For this purpose the book makes use of essential insights into the philosophy of Hegel, as it is currently experiencing a renaissance, in conjunction with modern analytic philosophy and sociology. The concept of “institution” plays a key Role. The book also draws on the ideas of the late Japanese economist Masahiko Aoki, who died at the Stanford University in late 2015. In the years before his death, Carsten Herrmannn-Pillath was in intensive contact with him in order to develop an innovative economic theory of the institutions. Aoki had initiated the translation himself.

"The translation of this book, published in English, into Japanese will give further impetus to the international reception of institutional theoretical considerations and the analysis of the importance of performativity for the economic theory of Carsten Herrmann-Pillath." Prof. Dr. Dr. Hartmut Rosa, director of the Max-Weber-Kolleg.

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