Sunday 18 December 2016

Paper of the month: Roberto Alciati on 'Ars Ascetica from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, 200-900 CE'

Congratulations to Roberto Alciati, Fellow at the Max Weber Center for being the most read author on the blog over the past month. His paper on 'Ars Ascetica' ranged top. As one can see from the statistics, the blog is increasing in becoming one of the windows of the Center towards the US in particular, but is also widely read in Russia, Europe, but also in Canada, Brazil, Australia and other places. With over 7.000 views last month, we have topped the 6.000 views of the previous month and the 5.000 of the month before. Numbers do not say everything, however, in a field of social sciences, anthropology, history and religious studies, particularly in an institute in which dynamic acceleration is studied critically (Rosa, 2013), and where we are aware of the downsides of such statistics. In this sense, we are more interested in the scholarly exchange regarding the content of what we do. And here, it is noticeable that over the past months we had the first publications and editions of original material on the blog here, something, we'd like to develop further in the coming year. For now, we are grateful to all the contributors and readers, feel free to respond and submit material that you deem right for being placed here,
have a great Christmas time and a happy New Year
your team from the MWK Blog
Bettine, Jutta and Markus

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